God TV puts on brave face on MW Million Trees Plus Project as funds come in insuffcient to continue the £6.5m China Distribution Project

In the beginning. I was at my Mum’s who kindly let me watch MW at hers, because my PC was in repair and also my Laptop being replaced meaning I have been unable to supply usaul analysis that drives traffic to this blog. All it took was ONE 2 hour slot for me to gauge the state of God TV Finances and the strategy give or take God TV was adopting.

As we all know by now God TV WANTS A FULL YEARS INCOME OF £12.5M or $25,0000 in US dollars, which would suggest the LAKELAND FACTOR which is not being mentioned is being accounted for in the figures eg the previously suggested figure of $6m or £3m which in God TV terms is a pretty hefty sum to be throwing away at a well broadcast public Scandal which God TV are doing their level best to recover from.

Roy Fields the God TV Lakeland Ambassodor has been in UK on secret visits for TWO MONTHS to be under the radar of the skeptical watching Blogging community, which as you know for which God TV has adopted a Web Counter Strategy in order to counter the force and effectiveness of the Blogs.

Hawaii Bahamas Myles Munroe has NOT been mentioned. Knowing Rory Alec it is being discussed despite of the obvious lack of funds even to sustain the much vaunted proposed China distribution.

Rory and Wendy who were LIVE for the oh so key God TV Pre-Election Special ( I should add for our british English viewers that similar attentions are NOT paid to the UK elections scene although later I have discovered God TV has a carefully thought out and sectarian political strategy_ CAME OUT IMPROMPTU TO PLEAD FOR FUNDS AT THE UNEARTHLY HOUR OF ABOUT 2PM FOR ABOUT AN HOUR JUST AS THEY WERE; NERVOUS, UNCERTAIN, BRAGGING, UNCOVERED UNEDITED.(nothing goes out on the Channel without furious editing and re-editing which nerds like me spot and disregard). I saw it. the Call Centre was live as were the Night of the Living Dead and Johnny Woodrow. What stopped the broadcast going on for any length of time was that GOD TV WAS LIMITED BY THEIR SATELLITE PROVIDER AS TO THE TIME THEY COULD DEVOTE TO THE EXERCISE.

So now we have only £1m per week coming in when it needs to be £3m to reach entire sum. I estimated that only £1000 per operator is coming in with a bank of 200 operators which means that whilst we see them fidding at the keyboard THEY MUST BE TOLD TO LOOK BUSY EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT. God TV mistakenly showed a phone ringing and print out rehearsal with all the trimmings which they hastily withdrew. (mistakes are so nice!). I don’t know if you have noticed but  THE PHONES ARE NOT RINGING because they keep showing the same Day 1-5 roster of preachers and old stuff with phones being busy rather than consecutive days of this October -November EIGHT WEEK Missions ‘Week’ than look bad with silent desks. Any canny viewer can use his or her ears to hear the lack of phones. ANYONE.

Rory Alec is pushing Wealth Transfer as prefered method of extracting funds. £4.5m is a good sum if God TV were to live on £8-9m per annum instead of the £12-16m they really spend, more if they can get away with it given Rory Alecs marginal propensity to spend money he definitely has not in the Charity Bank Account.

  1. No Reservoir Cost £1.5-2m in place in the NGedi desert with prepared grounds ready for trees so 315,000 trees might as well, if brought immediately, end up rotting in a pile with some token symbolism of viewers trees at God tV convenience.
  2. Hawaii not mentioned give or take £100,000 per distribution.
  3. Angel Mission Projects which Alecs want to get funds from elsewhere taking away the character of Angel Mission run by the long suffering but not in charge john bongiono (american) because Rory alec in fact sets the agenda regardless of the funds or rather lack of them. meaning needy africans are likely in all probability to go without because they dared to trust the ones’ like the Alecs.
  4. Israel Broadcast Centre cost £1.5m raised £400,000 not mentioned. Second Appeal for Centre did not go as Alecs wanted.
  5. The Reservoir has not been factored into their financial arithmetic because they are too busy raising monies to cover Bentley Lakeland Scandal of which they are defensive and NOT apologetic.
  6. China £6.5m current update of £4.5m does not even cover China.

Rory alec spoke of ‘half a million trees. which is £6m which is more achievable but even if £6m raised they are in dangerous financial trouble and if you noticed LEAKAGE NATIONS ARE NOW BEING SOLICITED FOR FUNDS WITHOUT AN OFFICE BEING IN PLACE AND THOMAS ROBINSON IS IN CHARGE OF  A WIDER AREA ARABIA NOT JUST SOUTH EAST ASIA. Rory alec is claiming Scriptural fulfillment in the use of Isiash 45:17 verse may be wrong. Rory alec makes claims he is not fit to justify.

So my reckoning so far is monies were coming in at about £200,000 per day give or take, which has halved to £100,000 per day. This is in the space of a single Missions week.

It might interest you to know that God tV also wishes to plant the largest forest in Israel. Are they gonna get volunteer gardeners or are the multi tasking teams gonna learn tree planting and coppicing in addition to their other many skills???!!!  579 words

NEW GOD TV’S Actual Broadcast Statistics: 500,000 Global audience less than half of those who filled Grant Park for Obamas Victory Speech at his Presidency

God TV claims Figures between 437m and 137m. Somewhere I saw Pastor steve Hill rightly said their Audience global share is actually500,00 not millions figure stated. God TV is right however to quote the numerous leakage nations which watch it which is justifiably huge but any viewers hoping to get God TV in their ‘leakage’ nation might wait in vain as their financial record is not exactly a strong one. (See God TV for Leakages as they are many but Satellite Leakage Statistics maketh not the Ministry Viewers).

The Ministries that DO have a bn footprint are Daystar and TBN. There are hundreds of Christian stations radio and TV that one has no living awareness of but God TV claims a governmental role concerning event them due to compulsions brought on by ‘walking the talk’ of Rick Joyners pernicious doctrines especially see the famous Page 61 for the details of the Fivefold who will dismand dismantled I would add ALTAR THE CHARATER OF MINISTRIES IE REVELATION GENESIS, ME, THERE ARE MANY OTHERS I NEED TO PRODUCE A LIST. God TV does not have consistent stable and steady finances that support such ambitions. It claims such viewerships as you see and if you examine the claims you might think I am right. ONE BILLION is greater than the BBC and other mainstream terristorial stations. Joyner comically said how he wished Morning star Ministries to donate money to the Government which is mind numbingly crazy and implausible. Heritage USA purchase of £1,5m was done with a help of a millionaire friend. Joyner is a minority pastime just like NAR, ICA, Elijah List and of course Lakeland who all issue from that ilk.

To make up for smallness God TV and mates Message to schools, Innervation, Cross rhythms, Gilead, NAR, ICA, try to make up IN POLITICALLY DARK CONTROLLING AND JEZEBELLIC TERMS** WHAT THEY LACK IN ACTAUL FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL POWER WHICH IS DONE IN A MALEVOLENT WAY threatening the Ministries from TWR (aggh sweetie little mike rimmy babes) Revelation Genesis their most formidable threatw which they are trying to dilute with God TV’s ex producer bloke who has God TV in him for 9 years but obviously views Revelation Genesis as God tV channel3 in americanising and NAR KCP etc all Revelation Genesis TV content. Colchester has been affected by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyy activity protected.

I was cursed by them and God was not able to do all that he wanted to do in my life.

Regard as in danger any ministry or Church that is regarded as ‘coming in the way’ and pray that you see the devils tactics in the godless abberant actions of the joyner following God TV who claims evangelism as the sole criterion for giving and realise that though they will deny it and not provide evidence of statistics via Nielson** the broadcast statistics monitor; they are in fact a Minority Pastime and that includes by the grace of god 500,000 global audience NOT the 137m to 437m stated often by the very arrogant not giving hard published Nielson Datad God TV.

195 words

Pre-Winter Missions Week God TV Post: My Predictions as to the money wanted do you think I got it right!!!???!!


Forthcoming Financial Expenses expected to soar of God TV.

I predict a deficit in region of $6m (Bentley), with accelerations with now six months of B2B which will bump up their costs like nobody’s business adding cost of projected but not got? 25,000 troupers from the God TV Fan Club.


120 days have been broadcasts means we are in for a very entertaining time as we watch the Alecs plead viewer compassion for their endemic overspending and ignoring as ever the Bankers, Creditors and legions of unpaid suppliers.

My maths may be awful but they don’t have 21m UK Viewers ready to do several streets for the next Six Months.

500,000 is God TV’s maximum global viewership minus the sky-rocketing viewerships due to Bentley Revival phenomenon.


PROPOSED CHINA EXPANSION : China is announced on Winter Missions Week at cost of£6.5m

CONFIRMED! 5m extra homes in China with promises of predicted expansion all over the nation of 1bn desirable people!

Add in China proposed expansion (the prophetic shit hits the prophetic fan so to speak witness pastors ministering in China and the fact that the Church HAS to be underground to survive).



£100,000 per annum per feed. NOT ANNOUNCED BUT WENDY ALEC IN DISCUSSION FOR THIS BUT NOT ANNOUNCED ON WINTERS MISSIONS WEEK ORIGINAL DATE START SEPT 11 2008, CANCELLED TWICE (BTS) now Oct 13th -Nov 29th the Forty Days of prayer and fasting for God TV Finances Distribution Israel projects etc etc




£100,00 per annum Vine Church doing publicity and PR under Pastor what’s-his-name? extened to Macau TV and IPTV platforms as in undeclared IPTV centre in Plymouth Devon labelled variously as the ‘Research and Development Centre’


Reversals of Financial decisions needed to protect the Ministry and keep it in existence

  1. God TV decision to go ahead with B2B campaign and cover literally every street in the UK (!!!) which I estimate at 21m on population of 65m including No-Go Areas, Asylums or Care in the Community Complexes, Gated Communities, Chelsea, Knightsbridge and the City and other oases of the Rich, deprived Estates overridden with crime, ethnic ghettos (depending on which ethnicity is in ghetto) when Programme Guide mail outs and production were stopped due to not being able to afford them, and sending out a large foldable leaflet of Highlights instead (supplemented with God TV Weekly Emailer advertised on Behind the Screens) bumping up costs immeasurably. If you wish to send out 21m leaflets out with 21m viewers once a week you will increase your viewership as there is a yield (most are not participants in God TV but spectators which the Alec’s despise and wish to change). 21M leaflets x 120 day period (including Christmas? August Holiday Period, School Holidays perhaps????!!!) and you will see that once again God TV can’t afford it and will bump up their costs to an untenable degree. Even 25,000 viewers doing B2B stuff yielding 750,000 viewers.doing all 120 days (very few I guess who will in all likelihood be featured in PR videos and spliced into MW Advertorial coverage). God TV has now done an Insert for B2B participants…I don’t think they have this planned out, costed out or had the cheek to wish to win the favour of the Banks and the legions of Unpaid Suppliers.

  2. Bentley Revival thing I estimate $6m cost for MW this September 2008.

  3. BAHAMAS estimate £100,000 cost per annum depending on what they can pull off. Wendy Alec.

  4. CHINA (persecution, underground Church) and I believe God TV will endanger Chinese Church prophetically whoever they get from the Underground Chinese Church to do their PR for them (just tell the viewers how you use God TV which definitely has good on it and God can use dodgiest geezer to extend His Kingdom)

Am I right in reckoning that God TV is most likely to be viewed as a poor Credit risk and Bad Payer in the era of the Credit Crunch and most likely to fall as the Credit Crunch weeds out all weak businesses, ministries etc. God TV and the Message to schools bunch;Innervation, etc look most vulnerable.



707words WordPress estimate plus Edits



Todd Bentley Arrested: transfered post from R&R Full Credit to Real Ecumania for this seminal discovery and posting!

I googled this happenstance. God TV ended Broadcasting on August 8th 2008 and are trying to rebuild revival thing on globalizing it and refashioning it with Steve strader and company. But I saw this….



There is so much brilliant commentary on bentley it is best to leave it to those who have experience of the scene.

NEW: The Prophetic in God TV: Cindy Jacobs simply prophesies what they will do and their ambition

 If this has not come out. Cindy Jacobs ‘prophesises’ that they will open offices in New York, other Cities, if you look at insert you will notice main capital cities are cited on along with 437m claimed viewers.

All she is doing is saying what they will already do; spend money they have not got for Offices and status they cannot maintain


66 words



BBC Statistics and Christian Broadcasting Statistics

‘God is the HEALER and he hears the prayers of HIS PEOPLE..’From a prophecy given to me online

I believe Premier has 300,000
Rmusic 300, 000 Making Premier and RTV Market Leaders in the UK.
RTV 130,000 going up taking God TV share of 150,000.How much percentage has God TV Viewer figs being eaten into?
Plus Viewers leaving God TV in droves,
BBC Figures in link as a measure of normality. I am not an expert in Broadcasting data but this is only an exercise in normality and estimation based on (leaked) figures.(protected ID’s)
Pat Robertson 700 Club has a million worldwide viewers which gives him a chance to influence American and other publics to a US Centric Republican agenda. (Charity for poor, low taxes for rich, Operation Blessing has it all Charity being the consequence of a low privatised State.
Figures are hard to come by which should be normal for Christian Viewers and Listeners. The Body of Christ needs to demand change.